Paymastr Payroll is a standalone payroll program (USA ONLY) that features built-in email support. Within Paymastr you can manually update state and federal tax charts, non taxable deductions such as 401k are input as a percent of the gross. Enter the hours worked as well as overtime, insurance, additional income, and other pay categories. The "additional income" field can be used if an employee is not hourly and/or is paid tips. It then calculates the withholding tax for federal, state, and Social Security plus Medicare based on exemptions claimed and marital status. Latest tax tables are installed. Payroll summaries include: Current Payroll, Month, Quarter, and Year-to-date. Version 2 has a new graphical user interface. Paymastr is included in the full version of Delta60 Accounting Software (see listing below) and is integrated with its General Ledger module.