ArcGIS Online World Street Map
Free Data
Data for ArcGIS Users
ArcGIS Online standard services include 2D and 3D map services and are available at no cost to ArcGIS users for internal use, non-commercial use (personal or within an organization).
USA/World Bundle—Satellite imagery for the world and aerial imagery for the U.S.
World Street Map—Multi-scale street map.
World Imagery—Satellite imagery for the world and aerial imagery for the United States.
World Physical Map—Natural Earth physical map, plus topographic maps.
Geographic Data Portals,, is part of the E·Gov initiative providing access to geospatial data and information.
Geography Network,, is a collaborative system for publishing, sharing and using geographic information.
Downloadable Data
Census 2000 TIGER/Line Data
Note: The following data is no longer available:
FEMA Q3 Flood Data
Tele Atlas Dynamap/Canada Street Data
Tele Atlas Dynamap/2000 U.S. Street Data
ESRI World Basemap Data—GIS Tutorial, workbook errata